About me
I am German and started my spiritual journey more than ten years ago in Germany with my first giving tantra massage. It was "love at first sight". I was getting aware what is deep inside me: my sensuality, my love to touch and to give, my warmth and affection. I feel I am gifted with these attributes, this is my calling. The spiritual meaning of the tantra massage is important for me: to honour the divine inside the recipients` body. It`s about spiritual love and I feel this love very strongly. You can learn certain massage techniques, but you can`t learn to give, being empathic, it has to be inside you. This is the spirit of tantra, a very special massage, given by special people.
I also completed courses in Reiki 1, 2 and Indian Head massage.
Following words by the spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov are important for me and my massage:
"If a man looks on women simply as females, as objects of pleasure, he will behave accordingly and give expression to all his basest tendencies. But if he sees women as divinities, his behaviour will be very different."
Of course also women should see men as divinities, and this is what I do.
- Rose, tantric therapist -
What People Say
"Hi Rose, just wanted to thank you for the most sensual relaxing experience. I`ve never experienced that before and just holding you in silence spoke more than words could express. Be well."
"Hi Rose, I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful experience with you yesterday; it was 2 hours of complete bliss. I am still in a trance and cannot wait to arrange a second visit."
Dear Rose, THANK YOU!!
for a wonderful experience yesterday.
Received all you gave! with gratitude and joy!"

"You took me to so many levels this day and all I can say is that I have never experienced so much intense intimacy before, I felt so much energy coming from you. You have extraordinary skills in being able to transmit those connections, a totally breathtaking sensation."
Hi, thank you again for a very memorable visit. I was not too sure what to fully expect and was pleasingly delighted. Your technique is without question exceptional, gently leading me to a place never visited and returning me safely back. Thank you and if accepted I hope to see you again soon. "