Fun vs Bliss

I get messages from people that they want to have fun during a tantra massage. But what is fun? It's just an superficial entertainment which only last for the length of the massage. With an authentic tantra massage you can experience a condition full of bliss, a deep feeling which lasts for a longer time. People who want to have fun are mainly focusing on the therapist and they are just looking for an erotic excitement. But the intention of a true authentic tantra massage is to get connected with yourself!! This only makes sense for you when you are open for spirituality and when you have an interest to find the divine inside you, to find all answers inside you. When you are open for this you can experience real joy, bliss and love, you get a glimpse of paradise. 

"I don't like when the tantra massage is too serious" said someone recently to me. But the thing is when you don't take a tantra massage serious (although it is allowed to laugh) your higher chacras can't get activated and you can't experience the condition I have described above. 

Of course some tantra studios encourage the fun factor in people. For example recently I have looked at one of these websites and the masseuses were presented like models in a Playboy magazine. This is just stimulating the lower chacra of men, but the aim is to activate your higher chacras and to open your heart, to see with your heart.

But when people say to me that they always wanted to experience a tantra massage I wonder what kind of picture they have in mind.